Lord: legend of ravaging dynasties 2 is an upcoming chinese computer animated motion capture action fantasy adventure film written and directed by guo jingming, the sequel to the first lord: legend of ravaging dynasties film originally slated to be released in china on 6 july 2018, it was later announced on 27 june that the release would be postponed to a later date due to production. Download legend of ravaging dynasty. Movie title: lord: legend of ravaging dynasties 2.
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| starring: 张铭恩zhang ming-en x 鄭元暢cheng yuan-chang| open the bell to receive the latest news → download our app and watch thousands of hit movies and tv series for free! iqiyi. Based on his 2 beloved fantasy novels with 6 million copies sold, l.o.r.d. is acclaimed writer and director guo jingming's follow-up to his tiny times films. the action-adventure odyssey is set in. An upcoming chinese computer animated motion capture action fantasy adventure film written and directed by guo jingming, the sequel to the first l.o.r.d: legend of ravaging dynasties film..
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